Verbal De-escalation is a very valuable skill-set in the security & law enforcement arenas. When people are authorized to carry and use deadly weapons, they must only use them as a last resort. The purpose and focus of de-escalation training is to improve the response of officers to incidents that involve persons in crisis, who are behaving erratically, emphasizing that public and officer safety are at the heart of this training process.
Officers must understand how the principles of de-escalation can provide effective tools during contacts with the Public and result in improved decision-making, reduction in situational intensity, and outcomes with greater voluntary compliance.
The main learning objective of de-escalation training is to provide police officers with an organized way of making decisions about how they will act in any situation, including situations that may involve uses of force.
Areas of police officer performance where de-escalation concepts assist
Gaining Voluntary Compliance
Mitigating Unintended Consequences
Officer And Public Safety
Police Legitimacy
What You Will Learn
Tactical Self-Control
Effective Communication
Scene Assessment and Management
Force Options
Legal & Ethical Reasons For Tactical Verbal De-escalation
Security & Law Enforcement Profession Specifics
Use Of Force Continuum
Creating A De-escalation Mindset
Developing Verbal Responses Ahead Of Time
Becoming A Contact Professional