Women's Personal Protection & Defense
Development Clinic
Self-Protection skills and knowledge helps you avoid violent situations, and better prepare yourself for dealing with them when/where avoidance isn't possible. Understanding how violent situations occur and develop, allows you to create the time and distance to make your physical self-defense techniques effective. SWAG looks at equipping women with the knowledge they need to predict, prevent and avoid violence, and if necessary prepares women to deal with it by presenting programs that aim to introduce women to an array of subjects that concern their personal safety. From sexual assaults & potentially abusive partners (both emotionally and physically) to robbery, home invasion and attacks of convenience.
These are Women Only courses teaching the basic knowledge, skills, and attitude from women who are curious about firearms, whether for personal defense, hunting or to learn a new sport, to those wanting to understand the basics of protecting themselves. SWAG is also designed to teach you firearm safety and the fundamentals of marksmanship, giving you the confidence you need to safely handle and operate a firearm.
The importance of having firearms training is that it prepares and protects you and your loved ones from an emerging danger or prevents an unfortunate situation to grow worse. It is really a huge advantage for people to have at least attended firearms and personal defense training classes once in their lifetime. With the growing number of strong and informed women nowadays, they are beginning to get involved with tactics and training.
Be well-informed and trained by our reliable training instructors.
What You Will Learn
Psychology of Criminal Predators
Mental Preparedness
Personal Defense Basics
Firearm Safety
Firearm Basics