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Personal Safety Tips—Be Prepared

By taking a few simple precautions, you can reduce the risk to yourself and also discourage those who commit crimes.

• Always be alert and aware of the people around you.

• Educate yourself concerning prevention tactics.

• Be aware of locations and situations that would make you appear vulnerable to crime, such as alleys and dark parking lots.

• Be alert to your surroundings—especially if you are alone or it is dark.

• Whenever possible, travel with a friend.

• Stay in well-lighted areas as much as possible.

• Walk close to the curb. Avoid doorways, bushes and areas where someone could hide.

• Walk confidently at a steady pace.

• Do not respond to conversation from strangers on the street—continue walking.

• Do not use or wear anything that will impede your vision or hearing (i.e. iPods).

• Always lock your car doors after entering or leaving your vehicle.

• Park in well-lighted areas.

• Have your car keys in your hand so you don't have to linger before entering your car.

• Check the interior of your vehicle for intruders before entering your car.

• If you think you are being followed, drive to a public place or a police station.

• Be alert to your surroundings and the people around you.

• Don't open your purse or wallet while boarding the bus—have your money already in your hand.

• Keep jewelry out of sight; don't flash jewelry; turn rings around so the stones don't show.

• Never leave your purse or wallet in plain view or in common accessible areas.

• Don't leave cash or valuables at the office.

• If you work alone or after business hours, keep the office door locked.

• If you work late, try to find another worker or a security guard to walk out with you.

• Report all suspicious persons and activities to the proper authorities (office manager, building security, law enforcement).

• Be aware of escape routes for emergencies

Finally, if a crime does occur...REPORT IT! Everyone should consider it his or her responsibility to report crime. Many criminals develop favorite areas for committing crime, as well as predictable methods of operation. When you report all the facts about a crime, it helps the police assign officers in the places where crimes are occurring or where they are most likely to occur, and your report may help prevent a crime from reoccurring.

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