Employers of all sizes face a variety of business & facility protection challenges. Static and fixed post security or officers on patrol are all necessary to protect the business and the employees from fiscal and human losses.
Asset protection is necessary for the optimum function and sustainability of your business. Asset protection includes the security of your employees and protection the finished product. Theft and threats to the workplace will reduce business profitability regardless if it is manufacturing, retail, or an office suite location. Equally impactful is the loss of reputation.
Security Officer Development Seminar (SODS) - 3 hours
A refresher course that will re-introduce security operations and procedures. The focus will be given to customer relations and protocols for the delivery of the service in sensitive environments. Topics such as Conflict Management, Fixed Posts and Patrols, and Emergency Response will be covered.
Introduction to Security Officer Operations - 3 hours
This is an overview of the profession and its importance to the protection of the image of the organization. Candidates will be taken out of the ‘booth’ and introduced to this career choice and its many variations and alternatives. The officer will also be reminded of the fundamental differences between policing and security.
The Role of the Security Officer - 3 hours
This session takes a more in-depth look at the role of the officer in a Central Bank. This specialized function is quite different from other comparable services. Officers will be reminded of the specialized nature of their job and how intricate it is in delivering this essential service in the Bahamas.
The Crucial Role of Public Relations - 3 hours
The security officer is usually the first and last impression the public and other employees have of the business. They are essentially management representatives and are, in many instances, the physical manifestation of the management policy. How they interact with staff and customers leave a lasting impression on the company's reputation.
Conflict Management - 3 hours
The security officer should always be a peacemaker, ensuring that the calm and, most importantly, the order is always maintained during daily operations. The security officer will be reminded that their position and responsibility is to protect the reputation and image of the company. Thus they should avoid making incidents personal. Officers will be given a 10-step method for de-escalating tense and potentially aggressive situations.
Officer Survival - 3 hours
A security officer must always be on alert and ready to respond adequately and appropriately to the various dangers associated with the profession. Unfortunately, officers sometimes are not aware of the threats that exist. During this session, officers will be introduced to the four main threats.
i. Physical
ii. Legal
iii. Psychological
iv. Organizational
Fixed Posts and Patrol Duties - 3 hours
These are the fundamental pillars of security operations, as the officer is performing one of these 2 functions at any given time. As a result, the department's success is driven by how well the security guard can perform these duties. Officers will be provided with tactics and strategies to maximize their performance of duties centered on the WAECUP
Physical and Electronic Security Applications - 3 hours
What tools, from policies and procedures to access control to hours of operations, are in place to assist the officer in executing their duties? We review the ‘Security in Layers’ concepts and detailed explanations and discuss the difference between control mechanisms. Similarly, this session will focus on the technology-based tools and devices that assist the officer in their daily duties.
Emergency Response - 3 hours
As much as we would like for normalcy and calm, there will be instances where unexpected events cause chaos and panic. The security officers must understand the leadership role that must play in the preparation and response to these events. The successful management of emergencies will reduce the impact of events and their escalation to crises and even disasters.
Use of Force Management - 3 hours
This is a half-day seminar covering the application of force by police and security officers, topics covered such as
a. Justifiable Force and harm,
b. Use of Force Matrix,
c. Powers of Arrest
d. Officer Survival
Security Supervisor Development Seminar (SSDS) - 3 hours
The session will reintroduce team leads to their role in managing security teams and shifts. We cover Coaching, Leading During a Crisis, and Workplace Violence Prevention
Full-Day Trainings
New Officer Orientation - 16 hours
This program is a combination of classroom and on-site training. Officers will 1st-day participating in SODW as outlined in item 3, and the 2nd day will be at the new location being protected
Security Officer Development Workshop (SODS) - 8 hours
An introductory program designed to give new officers an overview of the profession and reinforce training principles. Officers will be provided with an overview of the various requirements of the profession, thus improving performance
Security Supervisor Course (SSC) - 16 hours
The session will introduce team leads to their role in managing security teams and shifts. We cover Coaching, Scheduling, Leading During a Crisis, and Workplace Violence Prevention.
*Qualifier for promotion
Report Writing and Statement Taking - 8 hours
Provides the officer with basic skills and techniques for documenting varying incident types, ensuring the delivery of comprehensive and accurate reports.
Conduction Corporate Investigations (CCI) – 16 hours
Investigations are integral to delivering comprehensive security services. This course will cover the initial phases of the incident to the deposition before the courts. It will highlight the difference between public and corporate investigations, staff rights, and the role the police play in such procedures.
Emergency Response Management – 16 hours
A step-by-step training designed to ensure that security personnel are aware and can lead response efforts related to medical / crime/life safety events.
Arrest Control and Escort Systems (A.C.E.S) - 16 hours
A multi-layered approach to using force and defensive tactics for security, law enforcement, and military personnel with safe and effective alternatives to deadly force.
Basic ACES Course – a. Defensive Movement and Body Positioning b. Blocks and Counter Strikes
c. Takedowns and Joint Locks
d. Escort Techniques
e. Handcuffing and Searching
Additional 8 hours
Side Handle/ Expandable / Straight Baton
a. Defensive Movement and Body Positioning
b. Blocks and Counter Strikes
c. Takedowns and Controls
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Security & Safety